The People's Museum
The People's Museum

Rhode Island Spotlight

Harvesting Hope
Out Now
For more than four decades The Southside Community Land Trust has provided space for immigrants, refugees and others to grow their own food in places you might not expect to see gardens or farms. The nonprofit organization last year reached more than 23,000 people with its vast array of services that support food production and distribution - in a time where access to healthy food can be a challenge for many. Jim Hummel introduces us to the people - and the mission - of Southside in this month’s Spotlight profile.
Highlighting Community Heroes
About Rhode Island Spotlight
The Rhode Island Spotlight is a 501(c)3 non-profit. The mission of the Rhode Island Spotlight is to highlight and celebrate community heroes, both individuals and organizations, that are making a significant, positive difference for fellow Rhode Islanders.
By putting these organizations in the Spotlight, we provide them an opportunity to increase volunteers, donations and clients served.
Rhode Island Spotlight Videos Produce Results
We surveyed organizations that have been featured on Rhode Island Spotlight and this is what they said:
30% saw a slight or significant increase in volunteers
93% saw a slight or significant increase in
the number of clients served
53% saw a significant increase
84% saw a slight or significant increase in donations
28% saw a significant increase
Your Donation Does So Much More Than Support The Rhode Island Spotlight